Dental veneers might be a good choice if you have always wanted to improve your smile. We can accomplish various things using dental veneers, a thin shell made from porcelain or ceramic. By placing them on the teeth, we can close gaps, make teeth even in length, cover dark stains, and create a beautiful, uniform-looking smile. This way, veneers can create a smile that rivals the most famous Hollywood stars.

Veneers are typically made of a hard, plastic-like material and can be placed on top of your teeth to make them look smoother, brighter, and whiter.

The process of getting dental veneers typically involves the following steps:

  • Initial consultation. During the initial consultation, the dentist will examine the patient’s teeth and discuss the desired results and any potential issues that may affect the outcome.
  • Preparation. The teeth to be veneered are lightly sanded down to make room for the veneers. This process may require the removal of some of the tooth’s enamel.
  • Impressions. The dentist will take an image of the patient’s teeth to create a model for the veneers.
  • Fabrication. The veneers are fabricated in a dental laboratory based on the impressions taken. The dentist will also choose the shade of the surfaces to match the patient’s natural teeth.
  • Bonding. The veneers are bonded to the prepared teeth using a strong dental adhesive. The dentist will then shape and polish the surfaces to give them a natural appearance.
  • Follow-up. The patient will have a follow-up visit to ensure proper fit and bite and to address any issues that may have arisen.

The thin porcelain shells cover up numerous imperfections to enhance the look of your teeth, so you’ll never want to stop smiling:

  • Close gaps and hide imperfections
  • Make your smile white and bright
  • Cover cracks and chips
  • Straighten without orthodontics
  • No more gummy smile

Veneers and crowns can be considered options for improving your smile in cosmetic dentistry. Veneers are restorations that partially cover each tooth, while crowns cap the entire tooth. Different types of veneers and crowns require alternative tooth preparation techniques, and in some instances, your natural tooth surface may require manipulation for the restorations to adapt. While veneers and crowns can be similar in their physical appearance, they serve different purposes. The main difference is that a veneer covers the front of the tooth and is used mainly for aesthetic purposes, while a dental crown covers the entire tooth to restore a tooth’s shape and improve its strength.

Dental veneers are the easiest and quickest way to fix crooked teeth. While braces treatment can take up to 2-3 years to achieve results, permanent veneers are created 7-10 days after fitting.

There are three different types of veneers:

  • Porcelain (traditional veneers)
  • Composite veneers (bonded veneers)
  • Lumineers (brand of thin dental veneer)

Compared to other dental procedures, veneers are less invasive and can be done in a few short visits. The entire veneer process usually takes two to three appointments to complete. For most people, treatment can be done in approximately three weeks. Veneers are a permanent solution to your dental problems and improve your smile.

We are your all-in-one dental clinic to create stunning and customizable smile makeovers with our veneers. If you want to improve your smile, call us at (203) 487-5755 to schedule your FREE consultation with one of our dentists in Norwalk, CT!